Thursday, April 16, 2009

Latest kiddo updates...

It is so good to be home. Although the work never seems to get done, that's okay. After being in St. Louis for an entire week without our little girls, it is really nice to get back to their (and my) schedule. The girls had a most wonderful time with Grandma and her boys, but it was nice to see that they were more than thrilled to see us when we got home. Here are some most recent pictures of our little princesses.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ashlynn's First Piano Lesson

Ashlynn started piano lessons about two weeks ago and is doing an amazing job already. She loves her teacher, which by the way is her music teacher at school, Tavia Sherwood. She is great and is a lot of fun! Ashlynn has been very dedicated to practicing her scales (right hand and left hand) each and every day. She also practices her assigned songs out of her piano book-which incidently was the same book that I used to have as a kid (how funny). We're so proud of her and her hard work-and to think, this is only her second week! Hmmm it must be in her blood!

It's April, you fool...already?

Not a whole lot has happened in the past two weeks other than a cold that lasted WAY TOO LONG! Lynne, Taylor, Hansan, and Dallan came down for their spring break last week. It was fun having them here. Nathan and Taylor played a lot of tennis-or as much as they could. On Friday before Lynne and the boys left we all got together for a BBQ at our place. Luke, Emrie, Miles, Masey, Richard, Jena, Timothy, Lynne, and the boys all came out. It was great. We had fun just being together-Family is so important. Lynne and the twins are actually going to be coming back down on Sunday to stay for another week while Nathan and I go to St. Louis for a much needed vacation. Lynne's going to stay with the wonderful, huh?

Well, the weather here has been incredible lately. 80 degrees most days and just plain INCREDIBLE! The girls have been running through the sprinklers even...crazy to think they're already doing that considering this is the first day of April. That's Arizona for you-nice and hot! So here are a couple pictures of the girls enjoying the wonderful AZ weather.



Books I'm Reading

  • Book of Mormon
  • Soul Surfer-by Bethany Hamilton
  • Ida B.-Katherine Hannigan
  • Hunger Games-by Suzanne Collins
  • The Help-by Kathryn Stockett
  • Baby Proof- by Emily Giffin
  • Ramona and Her Mother-by Beverly Cleary
  • Utterly Me, Clarice Bean-by Lauren Child (for the girls)